El codigo que se ha utilizado para controlarlo desde el PC (creado en Python) es el siguiente:
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#script inicial#creacion: 01-11-12#ultima modificacion: 03-11-12#version:0.0.6# File:client.pyimport pygamefrom pygame.locals import *import socket # Import socket modules = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create a socket objecthost = '' #socket.gethostname() # Get local machine nameport = 5556 # Reserve a port for your service.print 'Connecting to ', host, ports.connect((host, port))def sendcommand(tecla):byte1 = chr(tecla)#byte2 = chr(camera*8+laser_set*4+int(infrared_set)*2+int(light_set))s.send(byte1)opcion='y'import msvcrtprint "press 'escape' to quit..."while 1:char = msvcrt.getch()if char == chr(27):breakprint char,if char == chr(97):print "pulsó a"sendcommand(97)elif char == chr(119):print "pulsó w"sendcommand(119)elif char == chr(115):print "pulsó s"sendcommand(115)elif char == chr(100):print "pulsó d"sendcommand(100)elif char == chr(112):print "pulsó d"sendcommand(112)elif char == chr(113):#cerrar la conexion y salirprint "Goodbye"import syssys.exit(0)
Ejecutar dos sesiones ssh, cada una ejecutando el comando de
control y de vídeo.
Comando para cargar el servidor para controlar el coche:
sudo ./server2.py
Código de server2:
#!/usr/bin/pythonimport socket # Import socket modules = socket.socket() # Create a socket objecthost = '' # Get local machine name and to connect from another PCport = 5556 # Reserve a port for your service.import serialDEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' # the arduino serial interface (use dmesg for see config device port)BAUD = 9600ser = serial.Serial(DEVICE, BAUD,timeout=1)print 'Server started!'print 'Waiting for clients...'s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the ports.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.print 'Got connection from', addrwhile True:msg = c.recv(1) # get 2 bytes from the TCP connectionprint 'Got connection from', msgser.write(msg) # write the 2 bytes to the serial interface#mesg = ser.read()#print 'respuesta', mesg
Comando para cargar
el servidor de video streaming para visualizar lo que vé el coche:
y en el pc utilizamos el VLC, con la siguiente configuración:gst-launch -v v4l2src ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240,framerate=\(fraction\)30/1 ! queue ! videorate ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=20/1 ! jpegenc ! multipartmux ! tcpserversink host= port=5000 sync=false
Configuración el /etc/network/interfaces en el coche, para configurar la configuración wifi wlan0:
y el video:auto loiface lo inet loopbackiface eth0 inet staticaddress wlan0iface wlan0 inet staticaddress 5wireless-essid MYNETWORKwireless-mode ad-hociface default inet dhcp
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